Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Coming Democratic Primaries

Here is the future of the Democratic race:

The old Corleone... er.... Clinton habits will spring to the center, now. If Obama has ever so much as been in a room with pot smokers, expect to hear background rumors that he's the second coming of Pablo Escobar. If he's so much as flirted with a pretty girl or been professionally -- but not romantically -- close to an attractive female co-worker, prepare for rumors of five-in-a-bed nights with hookers. If he's ever made a nickel in the stock market, he gets accused of Enron values.

Remember every woman who tried to tell her story of bad moments with Bill, and the respose from the Clinton protectors: massive campaigns of personal destruction. Cattle futures, Whitewater... People with as many ethical blind spots as these assume that everyone is as dirty as them, and fight accordingly. WINNING and POWER are all that matters, not for any ideological reason, but because power is all that matters to Clintons.

And now, they are looking into the dark abyss of being washed from the stage forever. That might yet happen, but it won't be with a whimper. Even if she loses NH, she is flush with money and isn't going away soon.

The Earth will be scorched. The Sopranos spoof with Hillary and Bill was unintentionally revealing of their default strategic mode as "political" actors. That's how they do.

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