Thursday, January 31, 2008

No Governors Need Apply...

Consider this...

Bush 2 (Gov)
Clinton (Gov)
Bush 1 (former Veep)
Reagan (Gov)
Carter (Gov)
Ford (former Veep)
Nixon (former Veep)
Johnson (former Veep)
Kennedy -- Senator

Eisenhower (military)
Truman (former Veep)
F.D. Roosevelt (Gov)
Hoover (Commerce Secy)
Coolidge (Gov)
Harding -- Senator
Wilson (Gov)
Taft (Secy of War)

Versues this...

Obama -- Senator
Clinton -- Senator
McCain -- Senator
Romney (Gov)

Barring a comeback for Romney (or an altering of the laws of the known universe for Huckabee or Ron Paul), the nominees of both major parties and thus the likely next President will have "United States Senator" as his or her primary political resume line for the first time since 1963 and only the third time in the last century.

That's quite a long dark period for the world's most exclusive country club.

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